Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A popular coup?

(Above: Bhumibol Adulyadej King Rama IX)

The coup in Thailand seems as if it may not be as unpopular as could have been imagined, the Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has mired himself in coruption, nepotism and vote rigging and is not popular at home.

The Army, has been frustrated at Thaksin Shinawatra's feeble attempt to crush the Islamic rebellion in the south of the country, as has been his King.

The King, is reported to have requested his resignation, but was 'refused', how Shinawatra thought to defy his King, I can't imagine, but he has paid for it now!

It will be interesting to see, now That Shinawatra has been deposed, if the Army will be able to more effectivly fight the Muslims?

Let's see!


Anonymous said...

Spanish weblog "En defensa de Occidente"

A Free Man said...

Hey thats a translation of Western Defence, methinks I will be talking to my lawyer!

Anonymous said...

Prior in tempore, potior iure: la web española es mas antigua........

Anonymous said...


historic documentary videos filmed by the German and Muslim nazis:

1941: The historical meeting of Adolph Hitler with the head nazist muslim leader Amin el-Husseini – Yasser Arafat's uncle - getting from the German Nazist Party leadership this office: Führer der Arabischen Welt, Leader of Arab World.

Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism:


Leo Pusateri said...

I'm just wondering how this is going to play out with regard to Thailand's relationship with Beijing..

Anonymous said...

lol hitler and islam? are you serious? you guys have nothing to do but to try and find shit on islam? a little bias dont you think? why dont u find shit on chrshty or jewsh?