Friday, May 05, 2006

Labour gets a drubbing, BNP do well!

Well, it was not a big surprise! Labour has lost the local elections in England. This does not mean that they will lose the next general election but it does not bode well for the Labour party.

I was surprised that the Conservatives did as well as they did, considering that they are led by that pompous twat David Cameron, but perhaps that is what the English like in their leaders?

The British National Party, the 'extremist' 'racist' 'xenophobic' party did well but not spectacularly well! They made some gains, becoming the official opposition in Barking and Dagenham and increasing their councilors from 22 to 44, they doubled their representatives but one would have thought that they would have done a lot better considering the mess this country is in and the mass of scumy foreigners and pychotic Muslims that are swarming over this nation!

Perhaps it will take an England at the verge of collapse before people vote BNP in sufficient number to save this country?


A Free Man said...

Thanks! In relation to the BNP, it strikes me as funny the way every one says it is an extremist orginisation! How exactly is it any more extreme then what some of our tabloids print? The Sun, Mail, Express etc constantly run what are basicaly inflamatory stories about Muslims and immigarants, then the next day they condemn the BNP for saying the very same thing!

Hypocrites and cowards is what they are, they are affraid to admit what is so blatantly obvious from the stories they write!

Anyway I will check out your blog, demographics is central to the new Jihad against us, it is the way they and their socialist allies aim to destroy us and our nations!

Anonymous said...