Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lost Verses of the Holy Q'uran: Part 3

Surah 119: The Thief

Bismillah: A fortnight passed, with many of the remaining people of Medina embracing Islam, and others fleeing for their lives, with the exception of a wealthy merchant named Sabri and his family.

Sabri vexed the followers with his words that Prophet Muhammad was little more than a drunken liar, murderer, and wanton sexual pervert; a wicked, lascivious monster and pedophile who kept the company of prostitutes, drunks and the slothful. In another dream, the Holy Prophet learned that the vexing merchant had to be silenced, and that he had been chosen by Allah to murder him. Telling Abu of his dream, he and Abu plotted the murder of Sabri the merchant.

After enjoying strong wine together, they headed to his home on a dark late evening, let in by a lovely servant girl. Muhammad and the oaf Abu observed the opulence of his residence; Sabri dressed in a fine silk robe with a silk turban, seven rings of gold and silver on his fingers. His wife and the lovely servant girl brought food and a carafe of wine for her husband, they disdainfully looking upon the filthy, debauched Prophet and his henchman Abu. "Why will you not submit to Islam, it is the will of Allah", declared the evil Muhammad, looking to Sabri, looking for the chance to end his life. "The will of Allah my ass, you Muhammad are a murderous debauched lecher and raper of children. Your loathsome followers feed on the rancid flesh of vermin instead of fine pork roasts, and defile all that they touch", declared a disgusted Sabri, noting that the Prophet was drunk, dressed in a filthy tattered robe, with his unkempt hair and long beard matted with dirt.

"I consume the flesh of vermin too, Great Allah is a Holy, Merciful Pig, it is not halal to dine on the sacred flesh of his younger brothers", said Muhammad with a finger in the air, Abu nodding in agreement. "So, it is you who are a pig, you deranged cretin possessed of a vile demon", retorted Sabri, looking upon the Prophet with hatred in his eyes. "Those who do not submit to the will of Allah will suffer dire consequences", threatened Abu, looking about for anyone who would dare stop them.

Observing only two women in the house, he smiled, knowing that the will of Allah was about to be fulfilled. Sabri paused, staring at the Prophet and Abu in contempt, hoping he could in some way persuade them to leave the city, noting that business had fallen off to practically nothing since the arrival of the Muslims. "Look, if I give you money, will you and yours flee Medina and never return" asked Sabri with folded hands, hoping he could encourage them to leave with a payment of fine gold. "I can't leave", declared a smiling Muhammad, "I am serving Great Allah, the Most Merciful Pig", Sabri, confused for a moment, replied, "But I thought Allah was the moon goddess of Mecca".

"Whatever", retorted a shrugging, uncaring Muhammad while picking his nose, he knowing that Allah didn't exist anyway. "You are destroying Medina with your vile harlotry and wicked ways!" exclaimed Sabri. The Prophet laughed, and replied, "Indeed not, Allah is guiding my hand in this and all my actions, providing me and my followers with what we desire: food, fine drink and the company of willing sirens, like your lovely servant girl back there"."My servant girl is betrothed to a good man in Mecca, you will not speak ill of her, nor will you covet her favors", declared Sabri, noting Muhammad leering through an open door, ogling the girl and his wife. "I will do as I wish", retorted the evil Muhammad with another laugh, reaching into his tattered, filthy robe and producing the garrote, "I covet the favors of your servant girl, and will take her to my bed for a concubine on this night. Those such as you will not stop the will of Allah or his Messenger".

Abu rose while the Prophet was speaking and smote Sabri upon the face with a closed fist, knocking the silk turban from his head. Muhammad descended upon him like a viper, pulling the garrote tightly around his throat, strangling him in his chair while his wife and servant girl screamed. "Be silent women, it is the will of Allah!" Muhammad yelled through gritted teeth as he took the life of Sabri.

Oaf Abu moved into the room and beat them into submission while a struggling Sabri kicked the wine carafe from the table, it shattering on the floor. Sabri's life vanquished, Prophet Muhammad exhaled loudly and let the lifeless body tumble to the floor. The trembling women remained silent as Abu returned to the Prophet with them. "Where is your money" asked a greedy Abu of Sabri's wife. "A box of gold and silver is in our bedroom," answered his tearful wife, almost fainting from Abu's foul breath. "I'll get it," volunteered a smiling Muhammad, pulling the garrote from the body, "Get the rings from his fingers oaf." The Prophet returned with a box of glittering coins, pleased that Allah had provided such bounty for his followers. "I can't get the last ring off," complained Abu, having pocketed six others. "Cut off his finger to get it, and take his robe and turban too," ordered Muhammad, determined not to leave one valuable item in the house.

Abu obeyed, reaching for a knife on the table, slicing off the finger and pulling the ring from it. Arriving at the brothel, the Prophet celebrated his good fortune by knowing Sabri's wife and the servant girl, annulling the widow's marriage and the girl's betrothal in the eyes of Allah. Later that evening Abu was given Sabri's widow for a concubine, as he had grown weary of Ayesha's favors, also needing an able slave to cook and serve him.

Having to beat her before he knew her, Abu thanked Allah and Muhammad for the welcome gift of Sabri's wife.

Surah 120: The Hypocrite

Bismillah: More time passed, with some of Muhammad's followers finding the Prophet's actions in Medina going against everything he had preached in Mecca, seeing him as Khalil, the rotten toothed man, and the merchant Sabri had seen him: an evil, debauched rapist, pedophile, liar, and murderer. These and other apostate followers were quickly slaughtered as infidels, fulfilling the will of Allah; a smiling Muhammad strangling many of them as they slept. Even Abu began to think that Muhammad's wanton depravity may have been going too far when he encountered him in a tent knowing several young Jewish boys that had been taken captive.

"Prophet, some of the followers are complaining that you are denying them participation in the bounty given us by Allah, and that you are also practicing strange acts that Allah has forbidden to others," related Abu, frowning at the displeasing thought of Muhammad knowing little boys. "They want some of the gold, right oaf" asked a drunken Muhammad, dressed in Sabri's silk robe and turban, seven rings of gold and silver upon his greasy fingers, the fine garb growing filthier with each passing day. "That, and some of them would also like to have some of the girls and boys for concubines," answered Abu. "They cannot have the little boys, Allah has given them to me for my carnal pleasure," declared the lascivious Prophet, "As for the little girls, give them to the followers as wives, so that their carnal desires can be sated; it is the will of Allah."

"Others say that you don't practice what you have preached," added a fidgeting Abu, hoping not to arouse Muhammad's maniacal wrath. "I am the messenger, Allah's revelations don't apply to me," retorted Muhammad, releasing a tearful Jewish boy from his carnal embrace. "What about me" asked Abu. "They don't apply to you either oaf; would you like a lovely little boy for your carnal pleasure" slurred the depraved sodomite Muhammad, lustfully leering at another boy he had chosen next to debauch. " I find not that boys appeal to me," answered Abu quietly, though he was a lecherous pedophile and incestuous pervert, he had no desire to sodomize little boys.

"Suit yourself oaf, more for me to enjoy," answered the Prophet with a chuckle, undressing another captive boy, returning to his lecherous pederasty as Abu left the tent. The city of Medina had been taken completely by the conquering Muslims, they reveling in their murderous victory over the infidels and Jews. In another dream, it was revealed to Muhammad by Allah that they were to attack and conquer the city of Mecca. They were to subdue it and convert the inhabitants there to Islam, after which the Prophet was to take a pagan shrine called the Kaaba and defile it in the name of Allah.

"In Mecca there is glittering plunder, fine gold to steal, and many women to be taken for concubines," declared the Prophet, "Allah has said to have faith in him and we will not fail; are you with me, warriors for Islam" The devoted followers answered, shouting in unison: There is no god but Allah the Pig, and Muhammad is his prophet! "We will need weapons to defeat them," Abu observed, looking to the Holy Prophet. "Easily done oaf," replied an unconcerned Muhammad, ordering several henchmen to plunder the city of metal so weapons could be quickly fashioned. Bronze implements were seized from every home; plowshares were heated and beaten into fine scimitars for the devoted followers. As his followers labored over hot forges, Muhammad gave a sermon, declaring that vengeance, blood and death would rain down upon Mecca in the name of Allah.

The work completed over several days, a feast was held by the warriors of Islam to further strengthen them for the long journey; the flesh of rats, snakes, vultures and jackals gracing their tables. The hungry Prophet had a willing siren prepare his favorite of all dishes, fat dung beetles boiled in seasoned vulture broth. "We should give Allah our thanks for the bounty he has provided," declared Muhammad, seated at the head of his table beside Abu, crushing the hard shell of a dung beetle between his filthy brown teeth. All bowed their heads in prayer, thanking Allah for the food he had provided. "Would you like to enjoy a tasty dung beetle oaf" asked the Prophet, turning to his brother in law, offering one to him. "No thanks," replied a nauseated Abu, choking down a plateful of greasy rat flesh. Washing the unseemly morsels down with strong wine, Muhammad and his followers filled their bellies with the bitter flesh of vermin and then enjoyed the welcome favors of tempting, veiled harlots with dark eyes.

The Muslims, their women and their captives set out for Mecca on the following week, determined to exact Allah's revenge on the people who dwelt there. "There are many able men in Mecca, much more than we have," observed Abu, realizing their numbers were wanting when compared to the teeming hordes of infidels occupying Mecca. "Allah will watch over us oaf," replied Muhammad, a sharp scimitar on his hip, he unsure as to what the outcome would be, but keeping this from the others and preparing for the worst.

"There aren't enough of us Prophet how will we win" asked Abu with his arms in the air, looking at their limited numbers, no more than 50 score of able men in the service of Allah. "Allah has said it, they in Mecca will embrace Islam or die for resisting his will," the vengeful Prophet declared as Medina disappeared behind them in the distance. A thoughtful Abu wondered why Allah would wish his followers to attack a fortified city where they were outnumbered, and also as to why Allah would have chosen a debauched murderer and licentious pervert for his Prophet. "Ah well, it is the will of Allah," agreed a sardonic Abu, much too committed to the deranged Prophet and Islam to back out, checking for the scimitar on his hip.

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