Monday, January 15, 2007

Civilisation and Acheivement

For the purpose of describing the evolution of modern man, we have divided the last three stages of the evolution of modern man into

(1) early man, Homo erectus and his Homo predecessors
(2) archaic man, Homo sapiens (Hs), who was not yet fully modern, and
(3) modern man, Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss).

The dates generally given in the literature are that Hs arose about 200,000 years ago and Hss arose about 150,000 ya, though the authors believe the actual dates were much earlier. But even though physically modern man arose about 150,000 ya, he did not create complex civilizations or make notable achievements until about 40,000 ya.

Apparently, becoming physically modern is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition, to becoming a behaviourally modern.

Between about 40,000 and 50,000 ya Hss underwent a dramatic change, not so much in his physical appearance, but in how his brain worked, with the result that there was a cultural “explosion.” Before then, man’s progress was painfully slow; tens of thousands of years passing with little or no improvements in his tools and weapons. But after the cultural explosion, tools and weapons became better designed and were made of better materials. Man began leaving evidence of abstract thought, such as drawings and carvings. He no longer left his dead to rot and be eaten by animals, but he buried them, often with valued possessions.

What happened? No one knows, but perhaps not coincidentally, a newly-discovered allele of the microcephalin gene, which affects brain size and intelligence, arose about 50,000 ya and spread throughout the Eurasian population. This allele, together with another, similar allele of the ASPM gene, that arose much more recently, is still rare among Africans, and may well explain much of the difference between Eurasian and African IQs and capacity for civilized behavior.

The ASPM allele may have produced a more fissured brain, but since we don’t have the brains of archaic man, we cannot know how fissured his brain was except by the marks the brain left on the inside of the skull, and they are not clear. Perhaps it was a change in the organization of the brain, the way it is “wired,” such as an asymmetry between the left and right sides of the brain that enabled areas of the brain to specialize. (Corballis, 1991).


Baker, in his book Race, argues that a society originates a “civilization” if, prior to influence from outsiders, most of its members meet most of these 21 requirements (Baker, 1974, p 507-508), where “Africans” means sub-Saharan Africans:

Indicia of Civilization




1. In the ordinary circumstances of life in public places, they cover the external genital organs and the greater part of the trunk with clothes.

2, They keep the body clean and take care to dispose of its waste products.

3. They do not practice severe mutilation or deformation of the body, except for medical reasons.

4. They have knowledge of building in brick or stone, if the necessary materials are available in their territory.

5. Many of them live in towns or cities, which are linked by roads.

6. They cultivate food-plants.

7. They domesticate animals and use some of the larger ones for transport (or have in the past so used them), if suitable species are available.

8. They have a knowledge of the use of metals, if these are available.

9. They use wheels.

10. They exchange property by the use of money.

11. They order their society by a system of laws, which are enforced in such a way that they ordinarily go about their various concerns in times of peace without danger of attack or arbitrary arrest.

12. They permit accused persons to defend themselves and to bring witnesses for their defence.

13. They do not use torture to extract information or for punishment.

14. They do not practice cannibalism.

15. Their religious systems include ethical elements and are not purely or grossly superstitious

16. They use a script (not simply a succession of pictures) to communicate ideas.

17. There is some facility in the abstract use of numbers, without consideration of actual objects (or in other words, at least a start has been made in mathematics).

18. A calendar is in use, accurate to within a few days in the year.

19. Arrangements are made for the instruction of the young in intellectual subjects.

20. There is some appreciation of the fine arts.

21. Knowledge and understanding are valued as ends in themselves.

A few comments on these items:

3. While there is a mania of tattooing and body piercing sweeping US youth, this is not considered “severe” mutilation or deformation of the body.

7. Domesticating animals requires not only foregoing the instant gratification of eating them, but also caring for them until they have reproduced. Even then, one must plan still farther ahead by eating only the worst animals, saving the best for reproduction. Such long-term planning is not characteristic of Africans.

13. This should be interpreted as open, publicly-accepted torture against common people, and not during a war.

14. Again, this means openly killing people in order to eat them.

15. On January 9, 2001 a lunar eclipse caused rioting in Nigeria; evil people were blamed. (“Eclipse Triggers Nigeria Riot,” BBC News, Jan. 10, 2001) Children are often banned by their own parents in the belief that they are witches. (“DR Congo’s Unhappy Child ‘Witches’,” BBC News, Jan. 13, 2003).

16. Writing arose independently in at least three places: Mesopotamia, China, and Mesoamerica, and probably also Egypt and India, but did not spread to sub-Saharan Africa.

Baker (1974, pp. 506-529) concluded that Caucasians met all 21 criteria in Sumeria (Iraq), Crete, India, and in Egypt, and the Asians met them all in China. The Africans and Australian aborigines met virtually none of the 21 criteria. The list is, of course, open to much dispute, both as to the elements on it and as to whether or not the three listed races have met the requirements.

Since the civilization that a people have created is a good indication of their intelligence and advancement from archaic man, the grandeur of their civilizations should be consistent with the traits they have, as previously described, especially brain size and complexity, and this is indeed the case.

The most advanced civilizations have been created by whites, with the Asians coming in second. Perhaps the reader believes that the failure of Africans to create civilizations in the past is not due to genes, but to an environment that was not encountered by Caucasians and Asians. It does seem that not only does intelligence increase with distance from the equator, but so does civilization. Southern Asia is tropical and it also has a lower level of both intelligence and civilization. The Incas and Mayans, who created civilizations, lived near the Equator but were not indigenous to that area, having originally come from north-east Asia.

Africa is a huge and diverse continent, with southern Africa having a temperate climate. If there was something unique about the continent itself that prevented the creation of civilizations, then one would expect blacks living elsewhere, such as in Haiti or Detroit, to build civilizations, but instead they have destroyed the civilizations that whites had already built there. And one would expect whites who immigrated to Africa to also fail at building successful civilizations on that continent, but whites who immigrated into Africa built first world countries.

Those countries, now taken over by Africans, are descending into chaos. The country of the world’s first heart transplant, the Union of South Africa, is now the rape and murder capital of the world.

Rhodesia, as it was called when run by whites, was the breadbasket of Africa and exported grain; Zimbabwe, as it was renamed when Africans took over, cannot feed half its own people.

Liberia, founded by repatriated American slaves, is dissolving into chaos and cannibalism, despite the infusion of African Americans who had lived in a white country.

If Africans were even capable of keeping a white-created civilization going, one would expect them to be much better off when Apartheid and the economic boycotts of South Africa ended in 1994 and the reins of this first world country were turned over to them. But the National Bureau of Economic Research found that the average income of all races in South Africa dropped 40% between 1995 and 2000 and the UN 2006 Human Development Report found that over the last 3 decades Africa has had a “virtual reversal” of human development. The deterioration of South Africa since the end of Apartheid refutes egalitarianism. No country ruled by blacks has escaped self-inflicted devastation; it is fair to conclude that they are incapable of achieving or maintaining a modern civilization when left to themselves.

A portion of Stonehenge, built 5000 years ago in England: Notice how well the huge stones fit together. The circular structure was aligned with the midsummer sunrise, the midwinter sunset, and the most southerly rising and northerly setting of the moon, suggesting possession of a knowledge of astronomy for perhaps thousands of years prior to its construction. In 2150 BC, a thirty-five ton ‘Heel Stone’ was erected outside the circle. Eighty bluestones, some weighing as much as four tons, were transported from the Prescelly Mountains in Wales, 240 miles away. In 2075 BC, the bluestones were taken down and enormous Sarsen stones, averaging eighteen feet in height and weighing twenty-five tons, were transported from near another stone ring at Avebury, twenty miles to the north.

Now compare Stonehenge with Great Zimbabwe, the largest ruins in sub-Saharan Africa:

It consists of plain stone block walls without mortar and dates to less than 1000 years ago, long after non-Africans had arrived. While Africans supplied the labour, it is doubtful that they designed it or instigated its construction as it is not representative of any past Zimbabwean culture or architectural tradition, and Africans do not make use of stone construction. It may have been built by Islamic slave traders as a fortress and slave holding area.


Charles Murray catalogued all of the accomplishments of man according to the number of times they were referred to by others (Murray, 2003). Over 97% of the most important scientists, 74% of the most important artists and authors, and almost 100% of the greatest composers were white, almost all males, and mostly from only four countries, Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy; the remainder were mostly Asian, and none were African.

The red hexagon encloses the “European Core,” where 80% of the European significant figures in human accomplishment grew up. Note that southern and far northern Europe are outside the core and that Germany is at its center.

The Chronology of Science and Discovery (Asimov, 1989) lists about 1500 of the most important scientific discoveries. Virtually all were made by Caucasians and Asians and none by Africans. Similarly, while Asians appear in American Men and Women of Science at six times their proportion of the U S. population, African-American representation is negligible (Weyl, 1989).

Prior to contact with other races, sub-Saharan Africans never invented the wheel and axle (Baker, 1974, pp 372-373), never smelted metals, never domesticated a plant or animal, never constructed buildings other than out of plant products and mud (Baker, 1974, pp 368-371), never developed a written language, and could not count beyond their fingers and toes (Baker, 1974, pp 395-396). Blacks who do make significant contributions, or at least rise to prominence (other than in sports and in the media), are almost always mulatto's with a large percentage of white heritage (e.g., Colin Powell).

Mandated and voluntary affirmative action programs in the West (and even in the Union of South Africa for black Africans, though blacks are overwhelmingly in the majority) and political correctness have exaggerated even the meager achievements of blacks. While at one time qualified blacks were excluded from certain occupations, by law or by unions controlled by whites, today the situation is 180° reversed and unqualified blacks are promoted over more qualified whites. Racial discrimination against whites is mandated by law in many predominately white countries. Other predominately white countries, such as the United States, do not have written laws requiring preferential treatment of non-whites, but do have anti-discrimination laws that employers must interpret as requiring the hiring and promotion of minimum numbers of non-whites (quotas) in order to avoid “bad” publicity, lawsuits, fines, and damages for discriminating.

Political appointments of blacks are made to obtain political support for the appointing politicians. Since the pool of qualified blacks is much smaller than the pool of qualified whites, blacks are either appointed to showcase positions or their decision-making authority is limited. The media is reluctant to criticize prominent blacks, especially for incompetence, and colleges and universities offer large amounts of scholarship aid to blacks. All these factors give blacks a huge advantage, yet they still fail to accomplish much.

No black has ever won a Nobel Prize in any of the arts or sciences. Many of the alleged inventions made by blacks have been greatly inflated in their importance. This is true of the most prominent black inventor, George Washington Carver, yet every schoolchild knows his name, though none know the names of the white men who invented plastics, television, the computer, or the internet, all far more important than some uses for the peanut. When a classical radio station plays a rag, it is almost always a composition by Scott Joplin, a black composer, though rags are not exactly classical music.

Killing off all the large mammals on a entire continent is probably not something to brag about, but it is worth noting that they had disappeared from Asia and Europe by about 10,000 ya and by about 11,000 ya in North America, (FN21) and more recently in Australia, and New Zealand all, coincidentally, about the same time as the arrival of technologically-advanced Eurasians. Thankfully, the large mammals in Africa – e.g., elephants, giraffes, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, lions, and gorillas - were not killed off by Africans, at least not yet.

Since Africans have no compunctions about killing these animals, a fair conclusion is that the animals were not previously killed off because Africans had not invented the means to do so.

Conquest is another very un-PC area of accomplishment. Caucasians hold the record for conquering other peoples, much to the dismay and shame of Caucasian egalitarians. Portions of all the continents, arguably excepting Antarctica, have been conquered and seized by Caucasians. Other than Genghis Khan, this is much less true of Asians and conquest by Africans of non-Africans is unknown. There was, of course, Hannibal, but he was Caucasian, he was not from sub-Saharan Africa, and his attempt at conquest failed.

One might think that Caucasians, as the most accomplished race by far, would increase in numbers while the numbers of the less accomplished races declined. After all, doesn’t accomplishment equal better adaptation, which equals more reproductive success? Not necessarily, because exactly the reverse is occurring. The white race, which was 25% of the world’s population in 1900, is now (2005) only about 8 to 10%, and the number of whites continues to decline, while the populations of the other races continue to increase. (FN23) Ironically, it is the accomplishments and sacrifices of whites that have made the vast expansion of the other races possible.

Evolution, however, does not imply that those who are the most accomplished in the arts and sciences will have more reproductive success. “Success” in evolution is not the achievements that Murray describes in Human Accomplishment, but success in staying alive and propagating. Caucasians may be good at making discoveries in maths and science and at creating great works of art, but they aren’t so good at reproducing themselves which, as far as evolutionary success goes, is all that counts.

In other words, success in accomplishments implies that Caucasians have a necessary condition for reproductive success – control of the resources and technology needed to support an expanding population, but lack the most important sufficient condition – the will to increase their numbers. Until the widespread use of effective contraception, their lack of will would have had little effect, but now people can choose whether to have children or do something else with their lives, and so many whites are choosing to do something else that the number of white births is less than the number of white deaths.

(1) Africa was visited by Europeans, Indians, and Arabs thousands of years prior to recorded history. This is known because crops and animals not indigenous to Africa are nevertheless found there. Also, visitors left many remains of their own civilizations, such as stone structures, pottery, and metals. (Baker, 1974).

(2) The failure of Africans to domesticate animals is consistent with their high rate of lactose intolerance. Dr Steinman, Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance, (May, 2002) gives the following figures for lactose intolerance for children over 5 years old: "90-95% of black individuals and 20-25% of white individuals throughout the world." However, most Asian populations, especially people from Far East, are also very lactose intolerant (close to 100%). Asians did domesticate herds, but did not use them for milk. A few African tribes, such as the Fulani, have low rates of lactose intolerance (around 20-25 percent), but the Fulani are an Islamic people who likely have an Arabic heritage.

(3) “Between 1844 and 1915 only one Haitian President completed his term of office. Fourteen were ousted by armed uprisings, one was blown up, one was poisoned and another was hacked to pieces by a mob. Between 1908 and 1915 the revolutions and assassinations increased so rapidly that a United States military occupation was needed to restore order. This lasted from 1915 to 1934. Thereafter followed twelve years of rule by a mulatto elite which ended in the resumption of control by the black military in 1946. Since then wholesale corruption and political murder have been the rule.” (Putnam, 1967).

(4) Detroit looks like a bombed out city, with so much vegetation reclaiming it that it is now one of the greenest cities in the country. (“The Ruins of Detroit”

(5) "Is it not horrendous for an adult man to rape a nine-month-old baby?” Nobel Peace Prize winner archbishop Desmond Tutu, referring to the belief among South African blacks that raping a baby cures AIDS. File this under “Ouch!”: “KLEINMOND, South Africa - A South African inventor [a white woman] unveiled a new anti-rape female condom [a vagina liner] on Wednesday that hooks onto an attacker's penis and aims to cut [no pun intended] one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the world.” (Reuters, Aug. 31, 2005).

(6) (“The ugly truth about democratic South Africa,” World Net Daily, Dec. 15, 2006).

(7) See internet blog “Why South Africa Is Crap.” The black-white income gap shrank up to 1994, when Apartheid ended, then grew from 98% more for whites to 118% more. (Leibbrandt, 2005).

(8) For details on waste, corruption, stupidity, and savagery in post-colonial Africa, the reader is referred to Martin Meredith, “The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair,” Public Affairs Press, 2005.

(9) (, “Founded by Americans, Liberia was once the shining star of Sub-Saharan Africa. Now cannibals rule the streets”).

(10) The same is true of other primitive peoples. The remote Australian aborigine community of Wadeye was racked by sexual abuse, gang wars, crime, and poverty. (“Aboriginal township clean-up urged,” Taipei Times, May 24, 2006, p. 4).

(11) Oxford University engineer Professor Alexander Thom and the astronomer Gerald Hawkins pioneered the new field of archaeoastronomy - the study of the astronomies of ancient civilizations. They showed that 2000 years before Euclid, and at least 3000 years before the sixth century AD sage Arya Bhata discovered pi, the Pythagorean theorem and pi were used at Stonehenge. A 4000 year old temple, the Temple of the Fox, has also been found in Peru that had astronomical features (Benfer, 2006). Another example: a bronze analogue navigational computer dated at 80BC was found off a Greek island. See (Wikipedia, “Antikythera mechanism”; Freeth, 2006).

(12) (Baker, 1974, pp 373-377). However, “[donkeys were] the only important domestic animal known to come from Africa.” (Hecht, 2004). Hecht adds that the domestication was only 5000 to 6000 ya in Egypt, so it was not in sub-Saharan Africa and would have been by Caucasians.

(13) Light-skinned blacks are more intelligent (Lynn, 2006, p 65) and accomplished (Baker, 1974, pp 503-505) than darker blacks.

(14) One may wonder why a population would pass laws that sacrifice the interests of its own members to benefit non-members, which is surely suicidal and maladaptive, but that is a subject for later in this book.

(15) In December, 2005, it was announced that Walmart's general counsel told its top 100 law firms that at least one person of color and one woman must be among the top five relationship attorneys that handle its business. It is very common for large businesses to require the promotion of blacks in order for white management to obtain bonuses or promotions. Also see (Cardwell, 2006).

(16) Bill and Melinda Gates, both of whom are white, have set aside $1,000,000,000.00 ($1 billion) through their foundation for scholarships for “minorities,” and many other well-off white people have created similar scholarship funds with lesser amounts.

(17) See “Black Invention Myths,” and “Lies for Profit: The Myth of Black History” on the internet.

(18) (Mackintoch, 1976). Mr. Mackintoch is an historian with the National Park Service in Washington, D.C. Available on the internet.

(19) Textbook publishers now require their school books to be “diverse” to meet state laws for diversity. For example, McGraw-Hill guidelines for elementary and high school texts specifies that “40% of the people depicted should be white, 30% Hispanic, 20% African-American, 7% Asian and 3% Native American.” (Liberty Magazine, Nov., 2006, p. 7). Also see (Lefkowitz,

(20) Interestingly, musical ability is associated with intelligence. However, African Americans do poorer than Europeans on tests of pitch, tone, and musical memory, and are about the same only on tests of rhythm. (Lynn, 2006, p 55-57).

(21) For a list, see (Arsuaga, 2001, p. 194; Haywood, 2000, p. 64). Horses were actually native to North America, but they had been hunted to extinction by the Indians 10,000 years before the Spaniards arrived; the Spaniards re-introduced them in the 1500s (Allman, 1994, p. 207).

(22) (Picture from The Sunday Telegraph, Sept. 5, 2004). Now that Africans have white man’s guns, these and smaller animals are disappearing. The bonobo chimp is being killed as bush meat, and so are many other animals that Africans could not have killed without white technology. The chimpanzee and the gorilla did get some revenge – the Africans who fed on
them picked up viruses that cause AIDS. (Van Heuverswyn, 2006). That Eurasians killed off large mammals has been disputed (Guthrie, 2006).

(23) “By 2010, whites will account for only about 9% of the world’s population, compared with 17% in 1997, according to demographer Harold Hodgkinson; whites will then be the world’s smallest minority.” (Rubenstein, 2006).


For further reading on the remarkable history of the White race, please visit (click here)

The White History site contains the magnificent book "March Of The Titans - A History Of The White Race" by the remarkable Arthur Kemp.

Mr Kemp, a Rhodesian-born genius currently residing in South Africa, spent the past 25 years researching & writing this incredible book. The complete book is available online, but a lavishly illustrated printed version is available for sale - a must have for any racially aware scholar. Herewith an extract from the preamble:

"March Of The Titans - A History Of The White Race"

The complete and comprehensive history of the White Race, spanning 350 centuries of tumultuous events. This is their incredible story - of vast visions, empires, achievements, triumphs against staggering odds, reckless blunders, crushing defeats and stupendous struggles. From the time of the emergence of the White racial type, their wanderings to the four corners of the globe, and finally into space itself: This remarkable story of human endeavour is without parallel or comparison, and is a story of awe, inspiration and heroism.

Most importantly of all, revealed in this work is the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world's greatest empires - that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else - a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution.

From: South Africa Sucks

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