Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hitler, the god of Political Correctness!

By Steve Palese:

As I’ll never tire of repeating, Political Correctness is a religion, i.e. a structured belief system based on faith. A religion need not have a god, although Political Correctness appears to have one. Its god is Hitler, an altogether evil god that is despised by its followers.

In this respect Political Correctness is similar to the Aztec religions whose evil gods had to be appeased with constant human sacrifice. The evil god Hitler needs to be kept at bay with constant discrimination against whites.

The doctrine of Political Correctness measures everything against this god, the evil Adolf Hitler. In this religion, everything that Hitler believed in is evil, and everything that he opposed is good. This belief system condenses to two doctrines:

Non-white minorities are to be worshipped in the morning

The white majority is to be degraded in the evening And is based on this one cardinal faith: Whites are oppressors; therefore whites deserve discrimination and racism to redress the imbalance. This faith is in turn sustained and legitimised by three anti-white racial theories:

1. The Unique History of White Evil theory

2. The Unearned White Skin-color Privilege theory

3. The White Majority Deference theory The Unique History of White Evil Theory This racial theory holds that “whites cannot evade history”.

It is a racial theory because it justifies discrimination against a group based on their (Euro-Christian) ancestry alone irrespective of actual participation or consent (in slavery, holocaust, etc.) and therefore denies innocence as a defence.

The Unearned White Skin-colour Privilege Theory This racial theory holds that “whites are privileged”. It is a racial theory because it justifies discrimination against individuals based on their (Euro-Christian) ancestry alone irrespective of actual status or financial condition and therefore denies innocence as a defence. The White Majority Deference Theory This racial theory holds that “majorities must serve minorities”.

It is a racial theory because its discriminatory logic applies exclusively to whites. For example, suggesting the reverse, that white minorities in South Africa or Detroit should have not equal but superior rights is widely considered insane. --- And to keep their evil god Adolf Hitler at bay these religious freakazoids believe they have to keep calling for more and more sacrifice:

Sacrifice your borders! Sacrifice your free speech! Sacrifice your safe neighbourhood! Sacrifice your children’s opportunities! Sacrifice your heritage! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!


Because The Evil God Adolf Hitler must be kept at bay!

Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Lest he ARISE and BLOT OUT THE SUN!! and stomp cars with his feet!

And gas Jews with his farts!! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! And don’t you dare violate the Great Sacred Truth.

“If you go against your group interests while black you’re an uncle tom, if you do so while white you’re open-minded. Amen. If you express group interests while black you’re standing up for your people, if you do so while white you’re racist. Amen.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The author of the above quoted text is Steven Palese from
